Type alias TimelinePluginOptions

TimelinePluginOptions: {
    container?: HTMLElement;
    duration?: number;
    height?: number;
    insertPosition?: InsertPosition;
    primaryLabelInterval?: number;
    secondaryLabelInterval?: number;
    style?: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | string;
    timeInterval?: number;

Type declaration

  • Optional container?: HTMLElement

    HTML container for the timeline, defaults to wavesufer's container

  • Optional duration?: number

    The duration of the timeline in seconds, defaults to wavesurfer's duration

  • Optional height?: number

    The height of the timeline in pixels, defaults to 20

  • Optional insertPosition?: InsertPosition

    Pass 'beforebegin' to insert the timeline on top of the waveform

  • Optional primaryLabelInterval?: number

    Interval between numeric labels

  • Optional secondaryLabelInterval?: number

    Interval between secondary numeric labels

  • Optional style?: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | string

    Custom inline style to apply to the container

  • Optional timeInterval?: number

    Interval between ticks in seconds

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